Why ESG strategies are essential for a company’s success

Why ESG strategies are essential for a company’s success Implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies is essential to any company’s work. Consumers and stakeholders increasingly want to work with and buy from companies that care about the impact they make on society and the environment. We only need to think of Patagonia and its commitment to creating sustainable products […]

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“Why do you want to work here?” Our top answers

Aldrich & Co prepares candidates for their upcoming interviews. Our jobs on offer are diverse and range from financial analysts to communications directors, which means that some questions will naturally be specific to those subject domains. Nevertheless, we can always rely on a few questions cropping up at the interview. “Why do you want to work here?” is almost always […]

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How to get the most out of business coaching

Coaches are incredibly popular right now. There is a coach for everything, from our fitness and diet to finance and life in general. So, where does business coaching fit in, how can business coaches bring you closer to the career you want, and how can you prepare for business coaching in the first place? What business coaching can do By […]

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How to update your professional profile

A professional profile is so important to making sure your great work history and accomplishments get seen and read. In this article, we go through the steps you can take to ensure that you can attract recruiters and potential employers with a compelling profile. What professional profiles need to have Professional profiles that showcase a solid personal brand must have […]

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Workwear: How to dress for success in 2024, with Beverly Osemwenkhae

As recruiters, we give all our attention to what candidates put on their CVs and prepare them for the interview stage. These are naturally the essentials to getting the job you deserve. Yet, many of our candidates still also worry about what to wear to their interview. Does the old adage “dress for the job you want” still have legs? […]

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What to do when you fall out of love with your job (part 2)

This is Part 2 in our series on what to do when you fall out of love with your job. We recommend going back and reading Part 1 first, as we give you all our tips on how to respond when you realise your job is not making you feel fulfilled.  If you have tried all of our advice and […]

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Falling out of love with your job? Here’s how to fall back (part 1)

You have started to dread Mondays, you drag your feet into work, and you end the day feeling like you’ve got nothing done. These are all signs that you’re falling out of love with your job. In this article, we explore what needs to happen when your mood towards work takes a downturn, and how you can start to feel […]

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How to prepare for business coaching

The business world in 2024 is increasingly a buyer’s market, and as a result, professional coaching sessions are in real demand. What goes on in a business coaching session, and how can it be useful for your career? In this article, we explore how you can prepare for business coaching and feel satisfied with the results. What business coaches do […]

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How to manage your lists at work

If you have read our previous article about the beauty of making lists, you might now be wondering how to manage your lists at work! Tasks can add up. It is important to keep track of how they impact your overall career progression and ensure individual items don’t get forgotten in the process. Stick to one or two methods for […]

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How a plan for the first 90 days at work helps you (Part 2)

If you haven’t yet read the first part of our 90-day plan to help navigate your first days in a new corporate job, be sure to read Part One first! So, you have found firm’s key players, understood the company’s goals, and started to set realistic, measurable objectives. Here is how to sail through the remainder of those first three […]

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New role? Try our “First 90 Days” Plan (Part 1)

Starting a new role can be challenging, and the attempt to hit the ground running can lead to burnout. Having a solid plan for the first 90 days is crucial to ensure that you put your best foot forward and get a glowing appraisal from your line manager. We think that 90 days is a good length of time to […]

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How to move from corporate to creative roles

At first glance, moving from a corporate to a creative role in communications might look like mixing oil with water. But with a little effort, you will find many surprising similarities between them. In this article, we walk through all the ways you can set yourself up for a great creative role, even if you’ve spent much of your working […]

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How to look after yourself at work

The modern work environment is a hectic place! Sometimes, it can feel like taking care of your mental health needs to play second fiddle to meeting deadlines. But taking care of yourself at work is essential for everyone involved: You can only show up as your best self when you are happy, confident and relaxed.   Here are our tips […]

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How to move career from a Finance job to an Investor Relations job

Many candidates come to us at a midway point in their career, where they feel that they know themselves better and are excited to take on new challenges that more closely fit their professional needs. Sometimes, this means moving up the ladder. Many other times, it means moving across the ladder to a new but related field. Embarking on a […]

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How to get a finance job in 2024

This year at boutique London recruitment agency Aldrich & Co, we have seen a slight rise in job opportunities compared to 2023. Our candidates often ask us what the job market is like, so in what follows, we offer a flavour of your prospects for getting a job in finance in 2024 and how you can increase your chances. Aldrich […]

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A guide to list-making for the workplace

It is so important to manage your tasks at work, and learning to prioritise can become a crucial skill for your overall success. To achieve this, we recommend making lists. Lists are an important way to help you see at a glance how much work you have on your plate each day. In addition, they can help you to block […]

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How to manage multiple projects like a pro

To succeed in today’s fast-paced, hybrid, globalised work environment, you must master the art of balancing multiple projects. Having multiple projects on the go at one time is a core component of the modern workplace. It is the only way to stay competitive and meet the needs of demanding clients when time is precious. Failing to keep up can result […]

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How to stay fit at your desk

When you are working on your career, it is important to also feel good in body and mind. And yet, working long hours and consistently delivering bright ideas to achieve recognition can take its toll on how you look after yourself. Taking care of your physical health and well-being should always be a part of your career journey; we see […]

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How to build meaningful professional connections in London

Professional connections in London are necessary for keeping afloat in the capital’s workplace. Connections that actually help you in your career are crucial for advancing your career. Meaningful connections are all the more important in a competitive city like London, where the right people might even open doors. This guide will help you to establish meaningful connections and secure them. […]

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Effective daily strategies for improving work productivity

Why has productivity become such a buzzword? It is naturally essential to be productive in business. Work productivity equals money, so managers must keep on top of how well their employees perform. If they find that employees are faring poorly, it is in everyone’s best interests to find out what is happening and what can be improved. If you’re worrying […]

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5 Ways to prioritise and manage your time at work

Time management is a fine art, and it is absolutely necessary to unlocking productivity and achieving your work goals. Here, we delve into proven strategies and practical tips to help you manage your time, prioritize effectively, optimize your schedule, and take back control so that you always feel prepared at work. 1. Make a list—and keep managing it Yes, a […]

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Relocating to London for work: How to succeed

The City of London can be one of the world’s most exciting places to work. After all, London is at your doorstep. The galleries, the history, the restaurants, the evening events—there is so much to see and do that it can seem the perfect fit for many of our finance & banking candidates who want the international, fast-paced lifestyle to […]

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How to get a good reputation in business

To be successful in business, a good reputation is essential. And yet a common misconception is that enhancing your reputation means superficial image management. While self-promotion can be a part of reputation-building, it may come across as arrogant or insincere. This can alienate your customers, clients, or colleagues. The best ways to enhance your reputation When you have a good […]

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How to maintain a work-life balance

When you’ve got a fast-paced City job, it can be hard to maintain a work-life balance. Here’s how to stick to your professional goals while avoiding burnout and enjoying life outside work.  Why is it important to maintain a work-life balance? A healthy balance between work and personal life reduces stress, prevents burnout, and promotes overall well-being. By balancing your […]

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How to define your salary expectations

Salary isn’t everything. Candidates looking for their next job might miss a wonderful opportunity by not assessing what the company is offering them. Firms have various ways of rewarding their employees, whether through a high salary or a benefits package with attractive terms.  Think about what you want. Are your salary expectations closely linked to your overall happiness, or do […]

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How to create a supportive work environment

A supportive work environment is crucial for your company’s success and sustainability. When employees feel supported, they are more motivated to give their best. A sense of belonging promotes a positive work culture, improving employee engagement and reducing turnover rates. Furthermore, a supportive environment encourages better mental health and work-life balance, ultimately enhancing overall well-being. So, by prioritising employee well-being […]

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How to answer behavioural interview questions

Behavioural interview questions require more than a theoretical understanding of a skill, and this is where some candidates come unstuck. Increase your confidence in responding to these questions by learning about the purpose behind them and how to craft effective responses. What are behavioural interview questions? Unlike traditional questions that may be more theoretical, behavioural interview questions ask candidates to […]

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Interview questions: What are you looking for in a new position?

“What are you looking for in a new position” is a favoured opening question for interviewers. Recruiters want to assess whether a candidate’s expectations align with the interviewed position, as well as the company itself. This means that the answer you give can be crucial for deciding if you’re the right fit. This is part of our growing series on […]

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5 tips for your first meeting with a recruiter

Recruiters are the eyes and ears for many finance firms. So, how can you stand out in your first meeting with a recruiter? Finance institutions in the City of London primarily use recruiters to get the best candidates. Some companies have in-house recruitment teams, but many more hire external, private recruitment firms like Aldrich & Co.  Recruitment in the finance […]

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How to write company values that stand the test of time

Why are company values important? While it’s essential that every company hires a copywriter to write those stunning values for you, if you don’t adhere to them or if that copywriter didn’t take the time to understand your brand, then your company will come across as insincere and lacking in motivation! How can you write company values that are sincere? […]

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Why you should always invest in yourself

Investing in yourself is one of the most important things you can do for your personal and professional growth. By taking the time to invest in yourself, you can develop new skills, broaden your knowledge base, and enhance your overall quality of life. Career and personal development are both huge commitments, and the train won’t keep moving unless you put […]

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Interview questions: What’s your leadership style?

In this series, we break down interview questions and help candidates develop a strategy (and the confidence) for answering them.  Our starting question is: “What’s your leadership style?” Don’t let this question frighten you! It’s such an interesting one to be posed, and with a little thinking, everyone can answer it! Who will be asked this question? You might think […]

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What to do before sending your application

When you’re applying to a job, remember that each and every one of your interactions will be taken into consideration. So, before sending your application, take the time to think if you are prepared to take a call, and how you would respond at interview. Do you have a clear idea as to how you want to present yourself?   […]

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How to move up the career ladder

As recruiters, we define “moving up the career ladder” as having a job that continues to challenge us, keep us learning every day, and helps us achieve the goals we set for ourselves. A career ladder doesn’t have to mean a different position on every rung. Consider how to move up the ladder within your company Before you look elsewhere, […]

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Before you accept a job offer, do this

For most people, a job offer is a thrilling conclusion to weeks of applying and interviewing. But not all job offers will make you leap off your seat in delight. It’s not unusual to get cold feet about whether or not you should accept. If you do find yourself needing to think twice, then trust your gut and listen to […]

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How to write a reference for an employee

If you have recently been asked to write a reference for an employee, you will want to understand what you can and can’t say in this letter. We always recommend that our candidates ask employers who know them well and who they believe will give them a good reference. But what if you don’t remember them well enough or can’t […]

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How to improve your confidence at work 

Whether it’s a general lack of confidence to leap into the unknown or the simple fear of making a bad decision, if you can’t improve your confidence at work then you might be prevent yourself from realising your full potential. The Aldrich & Co team spends every day speaking to people who are looking to find their next job. New candidates […]

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Therapist or coach? How to decide what you need

Mental health matters in these times of increased anxiety and widespread burnout. Critical shifts in the work environment are raising awareness for the importance of coaches and therapists. They can help unblock you, work you through the difficulties of change, help you to acknowledge and accept mistakes and – most crucially of all – move beyond them. But do you need […]

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What’s it like to be an Investor Relations Analyst?

Investor Relations Analyst roles might often be overlooked, but they play a key role in a firm’s investor relations activity and frequently pop up on our job board! This week, we’re taking a deeper look at this critical role in finance & banking and what kind of person might be the best fit for the part. What Investor Relations Analysts […]

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How to ensure multiple interviews won’t scare away talent

Hiring firms will lose candidates if they don’t move fast. It is a lively job market right now, and an offer from a different company can either put pressure on its competitor or take it out of the running for in-demand candidates. Nevertheless, holding multiple interviews remain the safest ways to ensure companies are hiring the strongest people. The temptation […]

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How to increase employee engagement

How can businesses be expected to run as usual in this “new way of working”? More and more employees are working in hybrid and remote roles. And employees are expecting a whole lot more for their hard work. We feel that one of the best ways you can adapt to the new normal is to increase employee engagement. Here are […]

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Communications jobs: How to write the cover letter

Communications are all about grabbing people’s attention. But with stiff competition for every job, how should you grab attention in the cover letter in an appropriate way? Cover letters are the broccoli of the job application world. Everyone has to do them, but everyone dreads them. This month, we’ll explain how you can write a cover letter to “wow” the […]

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Why you need to hire an internal candidate first

Successful firms, especially those that have been in operation for a long time, don’t immediately look outside to find “top” talent. Instead, they first look for opportunities to build talent within their organisation. Hiring internal candidates can be a successful firm’s best-kept secret. To be a truly exceptional employer, it isn’t enough to be great at finding new recruits. You must […]

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A day in the life of an HR Director

Our “day in the life” series tend to follow the candidates we place. This time, we decided to reach out to the “other side” of the hiring table and interview our client! We wanted to know a little more about what our Aldrich & Co client enjoys about her role as an HR Director, and why she always returns to […]

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How to get a part-time job after a work break

It is rarely the case that a part-time job will mean exactly half the work. Part-time jobs often demand a balancing act from both employee and employer. Think about what you are offering, and where you can be flexible.

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Success after graduation: How to write a glowing CV

In Part 2 of our series on how to succeed after graduation, we discuss how graduates can write a stellar CV, even without a great deal of work experience. Some graduates might be wondering how they can start writing a CV. This problem is especially acute with young people, who might not have had anything more than a Saturday job […]

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Success after graduation: How to find out what you want through LinkedIn

So, you’ve sat the final exam and you’re throwing your graduation cap in the air – congratulations! Try your best to sit back and celebrate this hard-earned success. It’s often tempting to look at your peers and measure yourself up against the ones who already have a job in the bag, or an internship at a great corporation, or a […]

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How to find an EA job in London

If you’re looking for an executive assistant post in London, you’re in luck. The city has such a wide range of opportunities for eager candidates, and in our experience these jobs are incredibly varied—you are unlikely to get bored! What are the key skills for an Executive Assistant? EAs tend to work with highly intelligent and exceptionally demanding people — […]

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Why is it important to have a job description?

A job description can be a real game-changer when you are trying to hire. This has never been more important than in this highly competitive market. Job descriptions are vital for all employers, no matter how big or small the company may be. But what goes into a great job description? Here are some ways to set your description apart […]

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How can I get a job I love?

The people I worked with were nice, but I got very bored very, very quickly. I feel like I’m not making the right decisions when it comes to applying for jobs. Sometimes job specs read like copy-paste jobs and I can’t tell the difference between them, which I guess must lead to my eventual dissatisfaction. I don’t want to make […]

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How to build a great team

Don’t hire an entire team in one go It’s difficult to build a team around your weaknesses, and mistakes will be made! Instead, build slowly, and work on establishing firm foundations with the people you hire early on before you move on to finding the next ones. Test out different methods of communication Don’t dismiss shyer characters. If an individual team […]

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Should you apply to a job when you’re overqualified?

How relevant is it to the job you want? Is the role at all close to what you want to be doing? If it is in the same industry, or it offers a route to a position that you feel more suited for, it might still be a good idea to apply. If you’re unsure, do some digging. LinkedIn can […]

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How to give feedback to candidates after rejecting them

But rejecting a candidate might also be an opportunity for a company, too. An opportunity, of course, only if you take the right steps and act with grace. Remember: You never know where the person you are rejecting is going to end up. They may be on the other side of the desk one day! Why it’s important to give […]

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How to hire (and keep) remote team members

Your people are your greatest asset, so how can you as an employer look after a new recruit remotely? Give them a warm welcome  Bringing on a remote employee takes real rigour. Your starting communications with your new hire must be clear, and they should know who to contact when they need assistance. Don’t forget to introduce these employees to […]

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How to keep your employees feeling uplifted and connected in 2022

Fearing the Great Resignation, many companies took action to avoid resignations of key talent. Reactions ranged from investment banks providing five-figure bonuses for their analysts to businesses offering unlimited remote or flexible working options for their employees. Such adjustments to employee benefits were designed as much to attract talent – the competition for which has never been fiercer – as to […]

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Should I target recruiters outside of where I live?

Since 2019, the days of Zoom-first (sometimes even Zoom-only) interviews have been commonplace, even expected, for companies seeking new talent. We have seen how this levels the playing field for candidates who might have found it tricky to have an in-person interview. And yet many talented people continue to immediately discount job hunting in other regions because they think employers […]

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How to attract a recruiter’s attention on LinkedIn

Make sure your LinkedIn profile is pristine Work on your profile exactly as you would treat your CV. This means: Don’t stop at listing your work experience. Add a summary of your main responsibilities and achievements that were specific to each role. Follow LinkedIn’s profile guidelines, as well. Whether or not your CV includes a personal bio (and we recommend […]

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How to find talented candidates to fill Your job role

The fastest way to find talent If your company has a big name, we recommend setting up a link to job specs on your website. Join Us buttons work exceptionally well on the front page. Even if you aren’t such a big name, give candidates the option to add their name to your jobs mailing list. If you’re visible at […]

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London as a source of inspiration, with Clare Tollemache

Clare has been busy launching her book, so we were thrilled to book her for this interview! Here, she talks with us about photography’s power to document and inspire, and how it feels juggling creative projects with work managing private finances.   Tell us about your work as a London photographer, specifically London in lockdown. You can see the switch […]

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How can I transition to a career in communications?

But if you’re looking to find a role mid-career, you haven’t picked an easy field. You’ll find stiff competition from people who have been in the business for a long time. So, how can you stand a fighting chance? Ask yourself these questions: 1. Are you good at writing? You’ll need unparalleled skills in both written and verbal communication; sometimes, […]

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The GROW Method: How can I get the will to act on my plans?

This is the fourth in our series on the GROW method. You’ve been through each of the steps in the GROW method. You’re almost done! Here’s how you can tackle the very last step: Will.   (Psst! Forgot to read the first three articles? You’ll find them in our list of career guides! And if you don’t know what the […]

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The GROW Method: How can I identify and overcome my obstacles?

Obstacles take time to identify. But if you don’t find and tackle them, then it will become difficult to move forward in your career. We’ve devised a guide to help you acknowledge what might be obstructing you from getting to that crucial next stage. (Psst! We’ve written all about the GROW method and how it can help your career in […]

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What women need in the workplace, with Sophia Everitt and Amelia Tulloch

Today, we speak to our past Aldrich & Co candidates Sophia Everitt and Amelia Tulloch. Sophia and Amelia first met at secondary school, and they have remained great friends ever since. They have also been colleagues for a large part of their friendship, working first at Goldman Sachs in London and then at Aravis Capital. This is Sophia’s second interview […]

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Common interview questions: What even the best candidates forget!

“I feel like I’ve been interviewing for a load of jobs recently, and everyone tells me that’s a good position to be in but it feels pretty frustrating to be invited but not to get past that one last hurdle. It feels like I’m “always the bridesmaid, never the bride”! “I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong at the interview […]

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The GROW Method: What would help me see my current reality?

For this second in a series of posts about the GROW Method, we’re asking you to look closely at the second step: Current Reality.

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How to Prepare for a Job Promotion Interview

Larger organisations often have built-in career plans, which can lead to a truly rewarding future within the firm. If you’ve been invited to a promotion interview at your company, here is how you can ace it! Six simple ways to set yourself up for a great interview for a job promotion. 1. Read the room – before you’re in it! […]

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How can I choose the right goals? (GROW, Part 1)

Sometimes the questions that seem easiest on the surface end up being the most difficult to answer. “What are your goals?” ranks high among them! Setting goals might be daunting, but it can also be exciting to look into the horizon. It’s a time to think, and it’s a time where you might really be able to change something in […]

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Your CV: Things that recruiters hate to see!

We’ve all seen them: CVs with typos, CVs that don’t have any contact details on them, CVs with formatting that seems to dance to the beat of its own drum. We asked our fantastic team about the CV blunders for finance positions that make their toes curl – we aggregated our favourites below! Fussy or in-your-face designs “Those overcomplicated, Adobe-designed […]

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Returning to work after leave: How to do it right

The hiring process should be equitable, and many companies in the finance sector are working at equalising the playing field with Returnships – programmes in which people can return to work after a break where they might have raised a family or cared for loved ones.   Want to get back to work after a period of leave but struggle […]

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“Tell me about yourself” What recruiters really want to hear [Includes example]

Most of us will try to second-guess what our interviewers might ask us. Whatever the interview is for, you can put your money on it starting with the age-old question that isn’t technically a question: “Tell me about yourself.” It may seem a simple request, but what is a recruiter actually looking for in your answer? Avoid preparing for it […]

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GROW your career

The pandemic has led many of us to re-evaluate everything about our lives. Understandably, this includes where and how we spend our time each day. We’ve been so inspired by candidates who have come to us having thought deeply about what gets them out of bed in the morning. But there comes a time when even the most motivated people […]

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How to deal with criticism at work

Negative feedback is a double-edged sword. Our kneejerk reaction to it might be embarrassment that we’ve been doing something wrong – and that our colleagues know about it. It’s natural to have these feelings. What’s important is that we understand criticism can help us to grow. When we get feedback, any feedback, we have an opportunity to strengthen our weaknesses because […]

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Interview skills: How to prove you’ll add value

The interview room is the perfect stage for job candidates to promote themselves. Here’s how to use it wisely. Get clear about your USP You’ll want to stand out for the right reasons at the interview, and we find it helps to go in with a clear idea about which of your strengths and skills you want to ‘sell’. These […]

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When do I need a recruiter?

We don’t hear it often in our offices(!) but we know the question’s out there: Why should I bother using a recruiter? Here’s a little insight into what we do, and why you should consider approaching a recruitment agency to help you land your next job.  What does a recruiter do? Companies use recruiters to spot talent. We’re taking a […]

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How can I talk about gaps in my CV?

So, you have a gap in your career. First, don’t panic! Since the events of 2020, businesses have become much more open to people who need to take time out. Besides, gaps are not something to be ashamed of. Lots of people have gaps in their career, especially now that more and more jobs are becoming contract or short-term positions. […]

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How to respond at an interview when you don’t know the answer

As recruiters, a question we get asked a lot is, “What if I don’t know the answer to an interview question?” Get your interviewers on your side with these techniques to nailing tough interview questions. This article is part of our series for young professionals, “Get Started in Finance”. Read other articles in the series:  ·      How to network for your career ·      How […]

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What’s it like to be the CEO of a private investment office?

This month we talk to Yariv Haim, Founder and CEO at Sparrows Capital, a private investment office that manages core liquid asset portfolios. We were thrilled to interview this forward-thinking entrepreneur about what his work day looks like and how he feels about operating his business in the city of London. * Thank you for taking the time to speak […]

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How to research your future employer

There’s no such thing as ‘too much’ research! And yet too few early-career professionals are really diligent in their research into companies before their interviews. In this article, we show you where to get intel on your future employer, and how to interpret what you find at the interview and beyond.  * Where to find information about a company (the basics)  A company’s […]

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How to stay motivated during the job search

You need a job, and you know what you need to get there. But after a period of trying and hearing nothing back, it can be hard to stay motivated. You need a job, and you know what you need to get there. But after a period of trying and hearing nothing back, it can be hard to stay motivated. […]

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What’s it like to be a Business Development Manager?

After graduating from Barnard College, the women’s college at Columbia University, Sophia Hotung performed IT audits for a Big 4 accounting firm, then ran crisis communications at a boutique PR house. In 2019, she moved away from this traditional career path in the UK and to a new future in Education in Hong Kong. As the KG Group’s Product Manager, Sophia […]

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How to make a work break count

We love to keep in touch with our past candidates. Today, we speak to Ann Drew.  Ann has held senior level positions in the corporate world of financial services and the not-for-profit sectors. With roles spanning sponsorship, marketing, media communications and change management, she has in her career had key responsibilities in refocusing companies’ activities during critical periods, so we […]

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How can I change careers smoothly?

Mid-career moves can be tricky to navigate. Suddenly, the world seems much more open to you. You no longer have to worry about the old Catch-22 of not having enough experience for entry-level jobs that require work experience. Having so much more at your feet should be a positive thing. But the opening out of the world of opportunity can […]

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What can I do to avoid pigeonholing myself for the rest of my career?

“I am going to graduate this year with a degree in finance. I’ll be new to the job market, and even though I know that the market is hardly in a good way right now, I want to think of my career and a life beyond the pandemic. A friend of mine who already works in the City warned me […]

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What can I do to develop my career in 2021?

These are truly interesting times. Despite real fears for the political and social climate in the UK, the majority of large international banks in London have only increased the number of people they employ. Early worries about an exodus of roles to the continent have not been realised. As City recruiters, we have seen no reduction to this growth. Nevertheless, […]

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What is best for your career – moving up the ladder or moving across it?

“I am in my late-thirties and have several years of experience already behind me. I’ve worked my way up, but the process has been slow and steady (emphasis on slow). “I’ve been in the same company for years, and I’m bored and frustrated in my current job, so something has to change. But though I’ve applied outside the company to several […]

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Write a great cover letter by reading the job description effectively

If you find it hard to write cover letters, then you’re not alone. The same questions persist: How can you make yourself stand out? What should you – and should you not – include? Should you repeat yourself across the documents you send, or should every document contain unique information? First, let’s get the real cover letter no-nos behind us! […]

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How to write a job application: Think of it as a pitch deck!

With pitch decks, the goal is to draw your reader to the relevant points – it’s the same for job applications. Job applications. They’re not easy to write, and they don’t ever seem to get easier, no matter how many you submit. We’ve found an alternative way to think about them so that the next application you write feels like […]

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How to put soft skills on your CV

This article is part of our “Get started in finance” series for young professionals. Here, you’ll find tips and tricks to help you get your foot in the door.  Building quality contacts won’t happen overnight, but here are some tips to increase your chances of getting the response you want to your networking efforts. Read more from our “Get started” […]

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Get started in finance: How to network for your career

Taking the time to build your network will serve you well in an industry saturated with bold personalities. Building quality contacts won’t happen overnight, but here are some tips to increase your chances of getting the response you want to your networking efforts. Find people online whose work you admire This isn’t an age for shrinking violets! Many people will […]

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What’s it like to be an operations manager for an investment institution?

We love to keep in touch with our past candidates. Today, we speak to Sophia Everitt.

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Supporting future talent

© IntoUniversity 2020 “Research shows that young people from the UK’s most disadvantaged postcode districts are nearly five times less likely to go to university than those in the most advantaged areas.” IntoUniversity Even in times of stability, it is harder for less advantaged young people to succeed. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic is poised to widen this gap – a […]

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How to accept a job offer

You have a job offer – time to celebrate! But before you plan your leaving party, here are five actions you should take to ensure that your transition goes as smoothly as possible.  This is the final part of our three-part series on navigating recruitment, from surviving the interview to what to do once you’ve got the job offer. Part […]

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How to prepare for a remote interview

Many of our candidates feel surprisingly relaxed about remote interviews. But a phone interview can be one of the most critical stages of securing a job. Often, they’re your first touchpoint with the company, and there is a craft to getting them right. To help you increase your chances of getting hired, we’re publishing a three-part series on navigating recruitment, […]

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How to prepare for an interview

Placing our handpicked candidates is always an exciting moment for the Aldrich & Co team – every time we find someone a new role, we know exactly how much hard work has gone into their recruitment success. To help you increase your chances of getting hired, we’re publishing a three-part series on navigating recruitment, from surviving the interview to what […]

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Virtual interviews

At Aldrich & Co we’re delighted to be helping candidates to get virtual interview ready. So here’s  our best tips to help get you there. 1. Line up your technology and test it VC such as Zoom and Teams (with video turned on!), is preferable for a fully virtual meeting as it allows all attendees to be seen and it […]

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Elevate your CV

Are you frustrated by the impact of lockdown on your search for a new role? Here are a few pointers to get you going and help you to be proactive for when the time comes to apply!  Now’s the perfect time to refresh, tweak, or even start again on your CV to ensure you stand out when it matters. 1. Make sure it’s […]

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Office skills

Got time on your hands during lockdown? Position yourself for success once it’s over, by investing in your skills now. Here’s our pick of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to learn online. 1. YouTube: a good place to start, but has its limits YouTube is perfect for when you need a quick ‘how-to’ for a particular task, like creating […]

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Remote working

Here are some of our favourite tips for staying happy and productive when you’re working from home. Check out our special offer below for a fantastic online course to keep you honing your skills from home! 1. Be prepared to over-communicate When everyone’s working from home, you need to make an extra effort to stay in touch with colleagues. So […]

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Career goals

Hello, Emily from Aldrich & Co here. Whilst we’re all in lockdown it might feel like life is on hold. But I just want to say, this is not the time to put your goals on ice. Now is absolutely the right time to listen to yourself and identify what you want from your future. I have had a career […]

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