You have started to dread Mondays, you drag your feet into work, and you end the day feeling like you’ve got nothing done. These are all signs that you’re falling out of love with your job.

In this article, we explore what needs to happen when your mood towards work takes a downturn, and how you can start to feel more positive about your career.

Pay attention to how you feel

Many people feel that they need to grit their teeth and endure the day of work, in order to enjoy the weekend. As recruiters for some of London’s biggest firms in finance and banking, we know that ignoring your negative feelings about work is a mistake.

We spend so much of our lives at our jobs, so it is essential to keep working on how we feel about them. Be aware of how your emotions negatively impact your work. If you are starting to lose pace, you might need more motivation. You can work on restoring that motivation in many different ways.

Opportunities to meet new people often spring us back into action. Look for professional development courses within the firm or business conferences on a subject that interests you. These places are likely to get you back in the mood for work and build your network. Having peers to talk to at low moments can be incredibly helpful for lifting your mood.

Identify your ‘negativity triggers’

You may be falling out of love with your job because of something outside your control. A change in management, for example, will often unsettle the status quo. In these instances, we recommend initially being patient and anticipating that new management will also need time to adjust to your corporation’s aims and strategies.

If you have an increased workload but the rewards are not commensurate with the new tasks, you must bring this up with management. For additional advice on approaching the topic, read our article on how to improve your confidence at work.

If you feel your personal values are not well aligned with the company’s culture, however, you may need to take action by looking for another position. Corporate cultures will not change overnight. When you feel so at odds with those values, you are unlikely to feel any happier by simply pressing on.

If management continues to be chaotic and you feel your line managers are not taking your workload seriously, consider making positive changes in your workplace before jumping ship:

Get into positive habits

Positive habits will help you start the day on a high note and increase your chances of ending it on one! Simple practices that you can incorporate into your daily routine include:


These tricks should help you to fall back in love with your job. If you’re still on the fence and have tried everything we have recommended in this article, check back for part 2, coming up!