Why interviewers ask the question “Why should we hire you?”

Every interview question has a clear purpose, and the best interviewers come to the table with a clear idea as to what they do and don’t want to hear in an answer. In the case of this question, an interviewer wants to assess how much you understand the job, what the company expects of the role, and how well you can demonstrate that your strengths fit the tasks in question.

In short, this question analyses your own confidence in how good a match you are for the role.  

What to include in your answer

A question like this can be a great boon to your interview because it is absolutely one you can prepare for in good time. We recommend taking the following approach:

How to highlight your skills

Your answer is not the moment to recite your CV from memory. Focus on a maximum of three of your most important skills for the role that show how you add value.

Try to incorporate examples of how you have used those skills at work. Not “I am a great team player” but “I helped my team to keep the course of the project with clear milestones that ensured we met our targets”. Don’t forget to quantify your results if you can.   

How to show knowledge of their company

Most professional companies will have an online presence. Read recent news stories and keep abreast of what employees say on LinkedIn. Find where you can fill the gaps and show how hiring you would help ease the company’s obstacles. Include this in your response.  

How to avoid mistakes when answering “Why should we hire you?”

The best answers to the question “Why should we hire you?” are clear and make a point quickly. Avoid being vague or generic in your responses. Everyone likes to think of themselves as great team players, well-organised, or having an eye for detail. Show them how you have proven these skills in your past work experience.

Focus on the structure we outline above, and try to strike a balance between being humble and confident! Recruiters ultimately want to see that you are certain you can fulfil the role they are hiring you for.

Lastly, resist the urge to ever say anything negative about other candidates. You may be competing for the same job, but this is your time to shine, not to drag others down.


We hope you enjoyed this article in our growing series on the most common interview questions in the professional industries. If there is one interview question that always stumps you, let us know! Send us a DM on Instagram or write us an email. We would be glad to analyse it for you in our next article.