We believe that the following approach will help anyone to achieve their career goals after a long work break.
Be open to alternative pathways
The world of work has changed a great deal in the last 25+ years. You may need to reframe how you can get ahead. The good news is that recruiters and companies expect employees to bring experience from different fields and job types. So, candidates are no longer expected to stay within a narrow field throughout their career.
This can be a real boon if you are returning to work after looking after a family member or child and you might be curious about entering a new field or industry. Good recruiters will see how your experience might translate to the job type that now interests you. An open attitude is essential.
Keep on learning
Whether or not you have gaps on your resume, recruiters expect candidates to keep up-to-date on the latest business approaches and methods pertinent to the role.
Recruiters love to see candidates who continue to learn throughout their career. So many great courses for acquiring hard and soft skills are now available online and in person. FutureLearn is one example of a place that offers affordable courses for any number of business-related and business-adjacent skills. If your role doesn’t require specific accreditation, consider brushing up on using new technologies or skills like public speaking and teamwork.
Find a network
Networking is essential, and digital platforms make connecting easier than ever. By steadily growing a relevant network on LinkedIn, you can start to get involved in conversations in the industries that matter to you.
If you feel you connect better in person, find a business conference that interests you. Looking at what your LinkedIn contacts are attending is an excellent way to get started!
Find an inclusive recruiter who supports your career goals after a work break
At Aldrich & Co, excellence in our candidates is most important to us. It should never matter how long someone has taken a work break, and we take a strong view against such discrimination. Many of the best candidates we have placed have experienced a long work break. They bring with them experience that their peers may not yet have.
Nevertheless, reinventing your career takes courage, determination, and a lot of thought. Sometimes, we need that extra push and support from an expert who can advise us on the benefits and pitfalls of each path.
If you need that extra motivation or confidence, get in touch with us. We are experienced recruiters who can help you find a pathway that celebrates your past experiences and achievements. With a little coaching, we can work out where your skills would be a sure fit.