You need a job, and you know what you need to get there. But after a period of trying and hearing nothing back, it can be hard to stay motivated.
You need a job, and you know what you need to get there. But after a period of trying and hearing nothing back, it can be hard to stay motivated.
Reframe those niggling doubts by putting the right type of effort into your job search.
1. Get happy
If you go into the job search already stressed, then you’ll be fighting an uphill struggle. There is no more important time to maintain a good mindset than before you’ve started the process.
Before you start your hunt, ensure you are feeling your best by getting outside if you can, calling a friend, or reading a book. Even jumping up and down on the spot can help you to pump up your energy levels!
2. Keep your eyes on the prize
As recruiters, we see many people who send their CVs to lots of employers and recruiters – but we find the throwing-spaghetti-at-the-wall technique is rarely effective.
First, keep a clear picture in your mind of what you need from a job. Even better, write down some of your wants and needs.
(Psst: Worried about being pigeonholed? Don’t be!)
Each time a job comes through, assess how many of those boxes they check. If you find they match a good number of your desirables and requirements, you’ll already be starting out on the right foot because you’ll have more drive to apply.
3. Work on your brand
Remember the old adage “dress for the job you want, not the job you have”? We think this starts before you’ve even got the job! Set up an answering machine on your phone, just in case a recruiter calls at a time you’re unavailable. And please get a new email address with your first and last name if you’re still using that ‘fun’ one from college.
Creating that air of professionalism includes your personal and professional history. What is it about you that would excite an employer? Work on giving them what they need, and make each communication with your recruiter or potential employer an opportunity to showcase your unique ‘business personality’.
4. Know what you think about the industry
Everyone knows the Big Four. Fewer people are motivated to find out who is winning awards, and what the smaller companies are doing. Make a daily habit of reading the relevant magazines and newspapers – the Financial Times, Hotwire and Newswire are good starts for finance and business.
Another great way to craft your thoughts about an industry is to listen to podcasts. Try The Disruptive Voice or MIT’s Business Lab. For podcasts with interview formats, think about what how you would respond to the interviewer’s questions. Do you agree with the guest? If not, why not?
Having a better handle of what is going on in the industry and how you feel about it will make you feel more confident. Not to mention, it could lead to great discussions with potential employers.
5. Don’t be defeated by fear
Haven’t heard back? If enough time has passed, pick up the phone! We don’t believe that candidates ever should feel afraid of speaking to recruiters – they are there to hire great candidates like you.
Calling them after a period of time has passed will not end in disaster. You may end up with a ‘no’, but they could also tell you why you weren’t a good fit, and then you’ve learned something.
We understand that these are incredibly difficult times, but the world of work still hasn’t changed in its thirst for positive people. Companies will be more responsive to those who show the tenacity to work hard, even through times of difficulty.
Did you find this helpful? Ready to write your next job application? Let us know if you implemented any of our advice on our social media channels. We love to talk through the process, and if you have any special ways to keep motivated, let us know!