How to apply for a job when you don't fulfil all the requirements.

We can help you find a clear path to applying for a job and getting an interview, even when you don’t fulfil all the requirements on paper. 

Pick up the phone

If you see a job spec for a role you would love to have, we recommend first talking to the relevant recruiter. If the job doesn’t have a designated recruiter, call the company’s reception desk and ask them to help you find the appropriate person.  

Keep this initial conversation brief, and list your questions on paper (or on a screen) in advance. Recruiters are often extremely busy, and unscheduled meetings will throw off their day, so try to prune your query down to its essentials.

When you first speak to them, introduce yourself, explain what role you’re interested in, and give them time to catch up! Here are some ways that you can then frame your question as succinctly as possible and help the recruiter to give you a clear answer:

Make sure you take note of everyone you have spoken to and, if appropriate, name them in your cover letter. Not all candidates will have spoken to the recruiter before applying, so you are already helping them to remember who you are (and even better if you have left a good impression!)

Acknowledge your skills gaps

More often than not, people feel they have some but not all of the desired experience. Some candidates try to gloss over the desirables they lack, but we feel this is a mistake. It’s better to tackle your weaknesses head-on, either by using your other experiences as an example of how you come very close to fulfilling their requirements or by showing your willingness to learn. For the latter, consider taking an online or in-person course to brush up your skills.

Remember that recruitment consultants will be looking for candidates to acknowledge the listed needs in the job advertisement, so ignoring one desirable will only take up more of their time as they try to find the relevant information in your application!

Put forward a can-do attitude

If you lack qualifications or direct experience, presenting yourself as confident and interested in taking on less senior tasks or responsibilities will show a willingness to learn. They may keep you in mind for a similar, less senior role in future, through which you can rise to achieve your goals.

Ask a recruitment consultant for advice

Recruitment consultants can be your biggest champion when you don’t meet all the requirements. Be clear with them about your weaknesses, and offer relevant experience you may have acquired in a different role.

Consultants can also help increase your confidence by assessing your application alongside others they have seen for similar positions. Take this feedback! Recruitment agencies want you to succeed; if they feel you’re not quite ready for the role you’d like to apply for, ask them what pathways they might see you taking to that role. Showing a willingness to learn and gather experience will make them think of you when a relevant position arises.


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